When you regret not understanding…
human behavior, biology, gender identity and politics…
It might be because you’ve just realized that you shared an incredibly stupid meme that essentially makes the opposite argument from the one you’re trying to make. Case in point?
Presumably intended as conservative commentary on the transgender bathroom issue that made North Carolina infamous, let me take a minute to point out the obvious — which shouldn’t even need to be said, but alas here we are…
- Assuming the person on the right is a transgender woman (as implied by their hair and dress) but has male genitals (as implied by their use of the urinal), then many Democrats would not support her choice of restroom. However, Republicans would support (nay, insist on) her choice of restroom in this example. In which case, the text should probably read: “When you regret NOT voting Democrat.”
- Yet the person on the right is probably not a transgender woman. Why? He’s using the urinal. If his gender identity was female, she’d be using the stall so as not to attract any attention (or potential harm to herself). So, assuming both his genitals and gender identity are male and he’s just crossdressing: Republicans and Democrats would agree with his choice of restroom. In which case, the text should probably read: “When you regret not being dressed appropriately for the occasion.”
Which is to say it’s a really bad meme and he’s probably a dude in costume. In which case, the text is irrelevant and you can just interpret it as saying the sharer doesn’t understand human behavior, biology, gender identity or politics, or that Republicans hate ancient Greek plays and Halloween.